Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Welcome to the world of elements.

For those needed a refresher course in chemistry: Sometimes, atoms and molecules are charged, either negatively or positively. These are called ions or radicals. Ions usually try to get to a neutral charge. To do this, they will bond with an oppositely charged atom or molecule.

For example: Two oxygen atoms (each with a -2 charge) will likely bond with a single carbon atom (+4). This makes a neutrally charged Carbon Dioxide molecule.

Elements from Ted Rogers on Vimeo.

As to where atoms come from: We don't know all that much about the Big Bang (The universes' abrupt expansion) but it's theorized that every last mote and particle in existence was made from it, mostly in the form of hydrogen, with some helium and a touch of lithium thrown in. The Hydrogen formed the first stars. These first stars burned out quickly, and died in tremendous explosions called supernovae.

These explosions are so powerful that they can fuse individual atoms together to form larger atoms, creating elements like gold, uranium, and platinum. In short, every molecule around you was made in a star's explosive end.

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