Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Human Evolution

We can't talk about amazing milestones in evolution without acknowledging the skulls behind us.

Out of all the species this world has ever contained, we are the ones that stand out as the smartest, most adaptable, and most dangerous. How did we get this way? What evidence do we have?

Human Evolution from Ted Rogers on Vimeo.

It's worth noting that human evolution is an especially contentious field of debate in science. There's always a new piece of evidence to be found, a new strategy to be considered. If you would like to see an in depth (if somewhat fanciful) recreation of the paths human evolution may have taken before getting to where we are today, I would suggest looking into the BBC production Walking With Cavemen

If you will please turn back to the drawers, we can view the ways ancient environments can impact us today.

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